Learning day by day

By EmmaF

First practice

This morning was the long awaited morning. Will actually got to go to his first violin lesson. He absolutely loved it. He picked up the strings names very quickly and the position of the four notes on the stave. This is him showing Daddy what he learnt later in the day.

The 1/8th violin is a very little bit big for him, but his teacher reckons it will be ok for him. He struggled to hold the violin in position for any length of time, but plucked the strings beautifully in the resting position. He could also remember some of the parts of the violin when I asked him. Now we just have to get a regular time for practicing daily!

We then raced home to pick up Carys and get her to Letchworth for 10.30. Carys safely dropped off Will and I wandered down to the Post Office to post the many thank you letter. We then wandered back to a coffee shop where Will wrote most of his thank you's to his school friends.

Collected Carys and headed home for lunch. They then both played until it was time to take Carys to her chocolate making party! I wanted to stay, however Will and I had a date with the swimming pool. It was float time just after we arrived and he spent almost 45 mins swimming around on a body board, another 15 mins playing with his birthday present which was a toypedo.

We got home just before Carys was dropped off by a friend. Will showed Daddy his violin. They both had tea, whilst I had a bubble bath to rid me of the human soup from the swimming pool. Then bed for Will, Strictly for Carys until 7.30pm (very late) and a treat of sleeping in my bed tonight.

I can't wait until tomorrow when she realises she is going to see The Nutcracker at Welwyn performed by The Vienna Festival Ballet. Her treat as we couldn't get anything for her in Kids week in the summer when Will saw Aliens love Underpants.

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