
By Farmerboab

An organic experience

Suffering from shell shock today. Last night ,Break it Bill had his annual fireworks and bonfire behind the farm cottages. Today, the shooters are out and about at the pheasants. By all the noise, either there are loads to shoot,or they aren't very good shots !
After getting everything fed, took Mrs and kids on the hunt for materials for the new hearth again. Bit more luck this week end.
Decided to treat them all to lunch as we were passing Whitmuir. This certainly seems to be the way to add value to your produce and cut out the middle men and supermarkets.
Slight upset when Mrs Farmerboab tried to order a diet coke,only to be told they didn't serve it as it went against the organic ethos ! You live and learn. Certainly plenty of wool wearing and sack and cheese cloth types there.

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