Porty People and Places

It was a glorious morning on the beach today - perfect for running and blipping.

On such a morning as this there is a blip in every degree of the three sixty !

As I ran I was thinking of how lucky I was to be here ... to be able to run ... and to enjoy the sense of space and air that re-energises where the vibrant city meets the swirling waters of The Firth of Forth.

Even on such a brilliant day as this there are still barriers to progress for us all, in different ways.

My blip tries to capture the enormity of those barriers, that these beach groynes provide - protecting the sands from being washed away, and without them, leaving us stranded in Porty without a beach.

The sunlight, is streaming through the groyne beams with gleams of hope that can still pervade even the most demanding of barriers that life throws in our way.

My blip is dedicated to all those who face barriers and are maybe struggling to see the sun gleams today.

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