Harvesting corn

This was a good camera practice for me, as I seldom use the 50mm lens because I often use a different camera (G11) since it is easy to carry all the time. Today I used the Rebel with the 50mm.

Our weekly hike was at Hierve el Agua, a place high in the mountains east of Oaxaca. The name basically translates to "Boil the Water", but it does not mean that this is a hot springs, but rather water that is boiling up out of the ground. This water is heavily mineralized, and over centuries the runoff has petrified into falls.
However, people live here and they plant, grow, and harvest much of their own food. These men were cutting the cornstalks with sickles, as everything is done by hand.
We were at the end of the trail, which is quite difficult to describe, but if you want to see the actual "hierve el agua" it's here

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