The first step of a long journey!

This is my first “piece” of patchwork which will eventually be part of a bed quilt. I’ve wanted to do one for ages but didn’t want to do a very formal one like this, beautiful as it is, it isn’t me!!

I want to incorporate bits from my material pile, leftovers from things that I have made and material collected on visits to various places. A “me” quilt, a bit random, quirky and unconventional at times.

When this quilt was blipped last August it just answered all my unvoiced questions!! Yes, I could do something in sections and gradually build up the quilt over time; I didn’t have to have a design and all the materials at the outset.

The technique I’m using is English paper patchwork (or English paper piecing – in some text). The technique used is demonstrated here, with the paper template, which is then covered by the material and the allowance stitched in place. The pieces are then arranged and sewn together (with tiny stitches).

A very time consuming pastime, but I expect some of the quilt will be machine sewn at some point in time. You can buy the pre-cut paper pieces or use old envelopes or the mountains of unsolicited mail that comes in the post to cut your own. I do a bit of both.

We have a trip planned for early next year and I intend to get the papers and material all prepared in advance, so that I can spend my free time working on small sections. They won’t take up much case space or risk being damaged!!

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