Life of Maddydog

By maddydog

I'm Pissed!

Back in the mid-1970s there was a product called "Psssssst." It was touted as an instant, waterless spray shampoo. My older sister used to squirt a bit in her hair for a quick comb-out before going out with friends, but I saw it as an opportunity to avoid having to shampoo, and I used it regularly. I was maybe 10 years old and thought I was cheating the system.

[Mom from downstairs]: "David, did you shampoo?"

<aerosol spray sound coming from bathroom>

[Me]: "Sure did!"

Fast forward 35 years.

In a fit a nostalgia, I searched for the miracle spray shampoo and found it online for $5.99. It arrived today and the first thing I noticed is that the can is about half the size I remembered. The size difference could be attributable to the fact that I'm now twice the size. The second thing I noticed is that it smells like a cross between women's perfume and a chocolate eclair. Not exactly repulsive, but clearly not "fragrance free" as the can indicates. The last thing I noticed---after using it---is that the product indeed works. Not great, but about what I remembered. It's kind of like dusting your hair with cornstarch. It fluffs up your hair and soaks up the greasy bits. I don't intend to use it again, but it's nice to know that I have options if my shower ever stops working.

So much for saying you can never go home.

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