My Left Eye Is Right

By tantemoe


They sit outside the store waiting.
Plotting and waiting.

Two girls dressed for a Friday night out, an old woman with her bag and a man on his way home from work.

Because there is also me and I'm hoping to get mine before they run out, even though I see the grocery basket full of boxes and boxes of the treats we wait to get one time each year.

The Girl Scout Cookie!
What maddness.
A Sin?
A Pleasure?
Maybe both all in boxes for us to enjoy at our will.

My choice?
1 box samoas
1 box Thin Mints

I've had my 3 for tonight and have now set a trap for the unknowing.

Mom loooooves Cookies.
And her favorite is set along side the Cookies of Scouting Girls.

We will see if they last the night.

Am I wrong?
Not if you know my Mom. She is a hoot and this is a plan in the making of good fun.

Let us now sit and wait.

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