Beggars belief

This was very funny. Very very funny. Our last day in China allowed for some downtime as this morning we walked around the shops of Shanghai's version of Oxford Street. Once that became boring, after about 3 minutes, we stopped at a cafe. For the next hour we were peppered by shoe shiners, street sellers offering us kites, watch dealers and beggars. One after one they tried to get money out of us - sometimes literally as they prodded and poked us. With my back turned my colleague warned me about this young lady approaching - whilst taking loads of photos... she demanded cash for 2 minutes, muttering constantly then picked up my can of 7up, threw the straw away, emptied the contents - whilst still muttering - and put it in her bag. I never did see that drink again...

Very much looking forward to 13hrs on a plane tomorrow (though plenty of time to drink 7up)

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