
By Dee49


Major freak-out time.

I was sitting in my car last night getting ready to go into work, and was rummaging around in my bag for something when I noticed the bottom of my bag felt very warm.
Bear in mind that my handbag is a riot. Everything is just chucked in and I don't use a purse so loose change also just gets chucked in.

I felt really puzzled. I couldn't understand why my bag felt warm. My first freak out moment was that my new phone was overheating. But quickly realised my phone was in my pocket. Phew.

Delving further into the depths of my bag, my hand came across the loose coins....... and they were red hot!

Ok so I'm sitting in the lay-by on the Main Street feeling a bit scared by now. Wondering what kind of phenomenon was happening to me.

I had good reason to be scared actually. I flicked the light on, and found a battery lying at the bottom of my bag. Picked it up and freaked at how hot to touch it was. I freaked so much actually that I let out a wee scream and threw it straight out the window. Luckily nobody was walking by

Call me ignorant, call me stupid, call me irresponsible.

I had no idea that a battery, against metal, would heat up. I have never to this day given it a thought.

I do feel ignorant, stupid and completely irresponsible because I'm suddenly aware of the possible consequences of being these three things. And it's scared the living day lights out of me.

I came home from work and had a check around the house.

By the way, if anyone is wondering what on earth I was doing with a battery in my handbag, there is a totally reasonable, innocent explanation.....

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