War Wound

It was going to be either an orchid or a mushroom with a tiny bug ............... until The Cygnet walked in.

SWMBO was in town having a thinly veiled charade to stop her benefit medical assessment and couldn't answer her phone from the nursery, I answered my phone but nobody would speak, Bags old work place was phoned (despite them having been taken off the contact list), son-in-law was in a meeting (no idea how they got his number), the house phone was never rung but the last contact on the list - The Cygnet's other grandparents were contacted no bother.
Needless to say they contacted us immediately and Bags rushed of to collect The Cygnet and take him to the hospital where he was given the all clear.

I think he is going to be a bit under the weather for the next couple of days despite being quite upbeat when he got home.
His Mum of course is going to feel really guilty at heading off to Germany in the morning!

However, he might take listen to us now when he is told to stop running in the house ........... he was running in the nursery with a mate when he lost control of his feet and made his acquaintance with the bookcase.

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