A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Leaving Time

Mum came up to Dundee so that we could go to see Jodi Picoult talk about her new book and for a book signing! She is one of the nicest people in the world and her reading skills are almost as good as her writing! I can't praise her enough! She signed my favourite book of hers (possibley my all time favourite) and my copy of her new book!

A second bonus to the day was seeing Lauren whom I've not seen in at least a year and having a chat to her as we were in the queue for the signing! I need to pop to St Andrews soon!

After the signing mum and I headed for dinner and a few drinks before coming back to the flat. I think I might crack open Leaving Time as Mum is snoozing away!

P.S I know that it's a terrible photo of both me and mum but I got to meet Jodi Picoult and that's all I care about! Plus her husband took the photo which was lovely of him!

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