
By mar

To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak.

To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak.
Indian Proverb

I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say TGIF!

I did my last stint at the Secret's room today then came home to have a few hours rest before going back to see Charlotte's class assembly. But of course if you've been following this blip, you know rest and me have a love hate relationship.

I haven't specified what I do for a living because it's complicated right now, lets just say I'm wearing many hats. Today's hat saw me doing PR work for some things happening with Michael's 'stuff' this week. I managed to arrange a photo shoot and write up in the paper, along with a session on the radio - both for Monday. Did I mention that I teach on a Monday? Oh, and did I mention that this Monday we're having a delivery that I need to be here for? Meanwhile, the editor for the Puppet newsletter quit, so I also had to deal with that. But no worries, everything will be alright on the night, right? (Just smile and nod.)

Watching Charlotte's assembly cheered me right up though. The Dixon's (in-laws included) have a reputation for having one of everything so when the teacher asked if we had a sari, I knew to say yes. What I didn't realize (as my MIL has to take Charlotte to school the days I work) is that MIL managed to find SIX children saris! Well needless to say, they were the best-dressed assembly for their Indian topic! Charlotte not only had to dance to Jai Ho, she had to speak on Henna and show her 'hut' that she drew (along with showing her Henna hand). She did very well considering she got the dance moves yesterday, had swimming last night then practice for a bit while we were out. She thrives on pressure. Apparently.

After, parents were allowed in the classroom and I have to say that Charlotte drew the most awesome limestone ever.

That's my little nerd!

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