The Wolf Journal

By wolfjournal


Ok, so it's not exactly a real bird this time. It was again such a day: early this morning off to the train and returned home late, completely soaked and dead tired. So it had to be an item in the house that should serve as a blip. This cute tiny iron bird got to do the honours.

Well, it does reflect my day a bit, because of course all my days lately are about birds, which I enjoy quite a lot. Today there was a deadline for my thesis, which is on migratory birds. And tonight on National Geographic there was this fabulous documentary called Le peuple migrateur ('Winged migration'). Really the best documentary I've seen in a long while: the images are stunning and the way they follow the birds is amazing. It is as if you're within the flock flying together with the birds. It also shows the downsides of migration: hunting, pollution, weather threats etcetera, which gives the film this extra touch of depth.

Go and see it. I saw it at home but it must be magnificent on a cinema screen.

Also breath-takingly beautiful: Nick Cave's To be by your side, from the movie's soundtrack.

Happy blipping!

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