It's Party Time

Phew, what a busy day I have had, I'll start at the end of the day and work back to the beginning.

One of my daughters had her birthday today, and here we are, out at a local restaurant having a celebration dinner.

Little 'h's' school had its sports day today, and we were very proud of her as she came 3rd in the 6 year old girls running race. As well as the running they did high jump, long jump, hurdles, and sort of shot put and sort of discus throwing!

My calendars are selling well, not many left of the first edition.

Yesterday I sprained my ankle after finishing mowing my lawns, so last night I had it propped up with a bag of ice keeping it cool. Pleased to say that it isn't too painful today, and I am able to drive my car no problems.

Downton Abbey is on now, so a bit of TV before heading to bed is the order of the day, and oh, yes, a nice cuppa, and put my feet up.

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