Between Two Trees

This was unusual for The Boss but he had been distracted by a lovely lady from Wellington who was seriously dog deprived and needed a Wheaten fix with all the trimmings. WOW I don’t normally get invited and encouraged with kisses and cuddles and The Boss was a bit aghast so walked past this shot and after his brain was rebooted he walked bark to get the pic.
She said I was amazingly dominant as she grabbed and cuddled me. Me Dominant? Me who only marks a track every 10 feet? Hey That’s an exaggeration well 20 then…Right. Luckily I had not been mining or all the cuddling would have never happened. There was so much cuddling going on that the normal exchange of names (except mine) didn’t happen BUT the lady definitely owns a Wheaten…Yap…Sniff test confirmed…Super.
It is a beautiful evening outside. Lowering sun and no wind with just the odd puffy cloud. BIG apologies to all the folk in the Northern bit of the world.
Oh and we got our first Christmas catalogue today. It was NOT a dog one so I am not really interested but the thought was slightly provoking anyway..

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