The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline


A couple of things!

Wedding planning is coming along. Bridesmaid dresses are sorted - well chosen at least I think. Celebrant is booked so we have someone who will ensure we get married - just need to review the paper work etc now.

Band...hmmm kinda on a bit of a snag there - it is really hard to tell if the ceilidh bands I'm talking to are going to be any good on the night.

In other news, work is getting interesting again and I am quite excited about what I am doing currently so fingers crossed this continues.

Other work news is that the guys are doing Movember and they have a number of additional charity events running each week this month. This week we have a bakesale and bakeoff competition. My entry is these S'more cupcakes and shortbread that is actually in the shape of mustaches - hopefully both travel well.

Looking forward to Steve getting home also so we can do some more wedding planning stuff (invites and stationary). I run the risk of having this event completely totally well organised......

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