To everything there is a season

A lovely man known as DugaldtheElderFerguson (father of one of my chums, who is called Dugald) reminded me of this and for that I give him my heartfelt thanks.

It was absolutely slashing it down at lunchtime but to be honest I really loved walking by the Broad in the pouring rain because a) it felt pure and fresh and b) no one would realise that I was actually crying.

I don't really know why I was crying. Probably just because I could. Better out than in.

Hopefully I shall see the lovely J tomorrow evening (Thursday) on my way to choir as he has been moved to a hospice very conveniently located around the corner from his house and near the UEA.

This photo was taken whilst I was standing underneath one of the many trees. As I emerged from underneath it I noticed another person emerging too. His face was also wet. We didn't speak. Just smiled at each other and went our own ways.

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