When the red,red robin comes Bob, bob,bobbing

A super Autumn day. The sun was shining and there was a chill in the air but still ok to be outside sitting with a cuppa with the layers on. Tided the garden a bit more now that the brown bin has been emptied.

My friend Julie came round for a cup of tea and it was lovely having a chat. We never get the chance to talk at Brownies :)

The lighting was great in the afternoon but I had a shock when I came in and it was only 2.30pm, I thought it was at least 4 o clock, the sun goes down so quickly now.

This little robin had been following me around all day but as soon as I pointed the camera at him he was off but luckily he sat still for a few minutes and I managed this snap. Hope that welshmaid50 has one visiting her garden again soon.

Just been watching the fireworks over Inverness from a cosy lounge. It's 2.2 degrees out there so I hope everyone was wrapped up warm. Hope it's a little bit warmer on Saturday for the fireworks at Rosemarkie :)

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