Double Trouble

Hi Tom

These two are destined for the naughty corner again today. Don't they look a picture of innocence.

I made bread again today. I made it lovingly. I pushed and prodded and made it into a nice dough. I watched it rise. I shaped it and put it in the oven. I kept a close eye on it so it didn't burn. Out it came smelling delicious.

I cut a little bit off as I just couldn't resist the hot, just out of the oven bread.

The rest was put in a food bag and I left it on the side to be eaten later......but the dogs got to it. Maisie must have jumped up and pulled it off the side. When I came back from being upstairs only shreds of plastic food bag was left on the floor.

Later today they did their disappearing act again. Gone for over 40 mins. Oscar came back his usual filthy self.

He's not keen on the fireworks tonight though. He keeps trying to hide between my legs or snuggle into Maisie.

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