What A Day!

After my night shift I came to home and took a shower. Then I went for a massage. I fall a sleep in there. Then I decided that I'll go to home and sleep, although I had planned not to sleep before evening so my sleep pattern gets normal.

After a while I realized that I'm driving to Vantaa. What F.. I was supposed to go sleep =)
Well, I'll go to Ikea to get few pillows.

Yeah right. I didn't go to Ikea. I decided to drive to Helsinki to Marimekko Outlet to see if they have some jersey tricots for me. And I haven't been there before, just heard that they sell jerseys otherwise the normal Marimekko stores.

I found one fabric and bought it. Went back to my car. Where the f* is my car keys??!?!
I sourched every where and didn't find it. Damn, it must fallen it to some of those big fabric boxes. Went back to the store, while walking there checking the ground if the key where there.

Inside asked if someone had found a black clunch with a BMW logo? No one had. One seller came to help me find it. We sourched everywhere.. And then! I found it!! From my pocket................

Yeah. How shameful.. Thanked for help and excused me. Left quickly.

Then I went to Itis, one shopping center, and left my car there and tooked a subway to the central.

I ransacked few shopping mals and ate fast food. Didn't buy anything. Well, kalender of next year.

Then I went back to Itis by subway, played at a arcade, didn't win.

Went to my car and drove to Vantaa, to Ikea. There I bought many pillows: 5 for us and 3 for my mom. Bought also a cupboard for my mom. I can tell you, it was quite heavy job to drag a cupboard, four boxes and huge blue Ikea bag full of pillows and other stuff to my car alone all in the same time! Luckily I have been excersing ;)

Couldn't use a cart outside because they had some stupid "fence" to block people take the cart in to the parking lot.

Now I was ready to go home and relax.

At home, there was a huge box standing on our terrace. The climbing tree I had ordered earlier had arrived. I had to built it before Otto comes from work to surprise him. Well, it will be a surprise for him anyway either it was built or not, because I ordered it in secret.... Because when I once suggested that we could by new one for girls, he didn't agree with me.

When he came home, he was a bit angry. When the building was ready and I landed it by the window, he was really angry. It's too big and gross to stand in there.

Luckily after a while arguing we made a compromize: we landed it to another room where it fitted perfectly =)

That solution was fine for girls too!

(In this pic it is landed at the 1st place where I placed it.)

Then I went to sauna and after it made few jewelrys. I would have wanted to make more of them but I had to be reasonable and go sleeping: I had been awake over 30hours...

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