Jeannette's Journal

By jeannette1968


This morning half past 10 I woke up and openend the curtains. Sun was shining so I hasted myself downstairs, made myself a cup of coffee and descided to take the car to get me some nice pics. At 10 I was ready to go when my frontdoor openend and my boyfriend came in from work. He had seen the sun too and wanted to go with me. So together we went. Near my work is a sluice which I wanted to shoot for quit some while. This is the result. Driving along a small airport this plane was just approaching to land. Than we descided to go to Germany, get some groceries. We had to wait for a railway. This freight train came along loaded with cars.
Along our way home, we came to a huge wooden giraf, don't know what the purpose is but it's kind of funny to look at. It's at least 20 meters in hight. Now it's 4 o'clock and guess's snowing. This is the view at my backyard now. When is this going to stop.
Have a great weekend you all!

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