Burger .....

..... kitchen.

After over eight years on the waiting list, this morning I was shown around and offered an allotment plot. It's very overgrown and is going to take a lot of hard work to get it tidy but has a greenhouse on it, an old bath, a couple of wheelbarrows and water butts, a compost bin, plenty of raspberry canes and a few rhubarb plants. Expect a few allotment plot blips in the coming months.

This evening I met up for a bite to eat at the Belgrave with Meltingman ( O ) who had brought one of her masks along. We then headed down to the White Cloth Gallery to attend a book signing by John Bulmer. It turned in to a mini blipmeet as Sam, ZMT and Earthdreamer also came along. It's been a fun day and as the chaps working in the burger kitchen didn't ask too many questions when we asked if O could stand in there wearing her mask, today's blip is the .....

..... Burger kitchen.

A couple more from today here.

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