Burn baby burn

Really positive meeting with Brazen about their Dubai "project". God, it was difficult keeping it together whilst talking about the neighbouring city to where Alex will be living this time next week. 1000's of miles away.
I am so so pleased for him, truly, despite my upset over "us". I want more than anything in the world for this time apart to repair us & give us back the love & closeness we once shared. He will have the most fabulous time there & it will, absolutely no doubt, be a life changing experience.
All I do hope is that upon his return to England, the "life change" ultimately includes me.

Whilst on my way home, my car dramatically overheated, so much so that I had to stop to quash the smoke/steam with some water. Difficult in the fact that said water was not available & I had to go & buy some.
Volcanic heat was followed by copious amounts of hissing & spitting.
On top of everything else, I think my car is dying.

Then!!! The cherry on the cake came whilst boiling a pan of water to make a hot drink...I completely forgot about it & let it completely burn dry. Stinking the kitchen out with smoke to boot.
Who the hell burns water...!?!

Shopping list:
Kitchen clock
Whistling kettle
New pan

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