Live, love, laugh

By Rianka

Canada - Inuit Art

After another lovely night at the charming Wolfs Denn were we made new friends, we drove through Algonquin Park one last time.

In the afternoon we arrived in Ottawa where we found an old jail that is turned in to a hostel. We almost had to sleep in a cell, but lucky for us they still had access to the top floor (which would be closed for halloween), so we had a whole 8 person dorm for the two of us. The luxery.

And at the hostel we learned that every Thursdaynight the museums in Ottawa have a free entrance between 5pm and 8pm. Which resulted in us walking around the city, getting amazed by the architecture and the buildings, walking the wrong way, getting lost and having a late dinner.
But also in a visit to Canada's finest arts. Learning more about the history of Canada and the art.
I was especially amazed by this Inuit art, made from antlers!

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