It's not every day you get your car washed by superman!
There is a very long story attached to this blip!
Such a fantastic day weather wise I borrowed my friends dog, Kess, for a walk to Okel Tor at the end of the village - not only to take photos of the mining chimneys that are crumbling and in some areas being engulfed and disappearing beneath ivy, but also Fly Agaric. Twice I have been told how exceptional they are this year - so off Kess and I went with a ball for him and camera for me!
The chimneys were just stunning and the one I particularly liked and thought would not survive a strong gale that we are bound to get given past experience of my extension windows being blown in, was actually more robust when seen closer up through the camera lens. Although cleaved at the top for a quarter of its height, it had much thicker brick layers than I expected. The Fly Agaric was elusive - finally found a clump of 3, one just pushing out of the leaves and moss like a billiard ball, one with some white spots developing, and one nearly eaten. I have a suspicion that the locals have been foraging!
I stopped to watch and take photos of the men using the Behemoth that arrived last week - looked surprisingly small from across the field, and much quieter than I expected. Chatting to the men back at base camp in their office, they had had complaints about the noise from people who lived 12 miles up the valley!!! But unless the pilings go in the river bank will subside and both the sewage works and village would be at a greater risk of flooding. The Tamar has so far behaved itself along our stretch but previously this year had been lapping at the buildings either side of us at Cotehele and Morwellham Quay, not to mention Gunnislake!!! But we did get the road landslide and residents along the lower road were stuck as far as vehicles and deliveries were concerned for several months. Not good when its a long walk from the village car park and its oil or gas heating, let alone septic tanks! There is no gas in the village, but lots of wood burners and the smell of this on the evening air heralds the start of winter.
But I digress! Having taken Kess back and having a cup of tea and helping my friends husband help their son with his homework, I looked out the window and noticed how dirty the car was - at which point superman offered to give it a pressure clean! I was all for dunking him in a hot soapy bath then whooshing him over the car, me holding his legs, his dad his arms! He wasn't keen on this! So lots of spray and photographs later, including the sunset and donkeys that are in the field at the bottom of their garden, The Donkey Sanctuary being over the road, I set off home £5.50 poorer! Bumped into my friend coming home from work and had a good catch up as we sat in our respective cars!!!
Finally home and time to look at the chimneys - you guessed it - Superman was by far the better blip!!!! But at least I know the chimneys are robust enough to stand for quite a few more years, the chances of Superman being available again - slim!
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