Life from city to village

By Gibbsangie

A city over time

Chantler's November Theme Challenge - Tuesday Time

A city is a constantly dynamic environment, and Leeds more than most. Buildings are constantly going up or coming down. In this picture, the red skyscraper to the left won the European Architecture Award in 2012. Its a university building. The white building with the single central tower on the skyline in the middle is also part of the University - but the Victorian part. In front, are tower blocks from the 60s and 70s. Nestled between the two university buildings is All Hallows Church, built in the 18th century, a building with some unique Suffragette history.

If I take the same view in 10 years - what will be there, and what will have gone? Will the view be the same? It would be tempting to take a photo from exactly the same place every year, to chart the changes in a city landscape.

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