
By MamaOfBoys

Brightness amongst the dull

How beautiful to see such colour this afternoon as the clouds again rolled in bringing thunder, rain and some pretty terrific hail.

Stones so big falling from those black clouds that I hoped my windows were safe , they were pretty painful too as i rushed out to bring the guinea pigs inside the hail pelted my back. The boys thought that mama repeatedly saying 'ow ow ow' was a funny sight.

I had more things to do today mainly wanting to get out of the house, i went to pick up some supplies for my sister in laws upcoming wedding only to put them in my basket, get my phone out to text her to say I'd found them when she texted me that she had got some in the same shop only 10 minutes earlier! Same wavelength!

I also bought some sparklers for the boys thinking today was guy fawkes, didn't realize that I was on the wrong day until Andre pointed it out. I'm not keen on fireworks they're pretty and in a controlled show i think they're great. I'm just not comfortable with anything bigger than sparklers around the boys.

Andre is working a lot of overtime this week- night shift as well as weekend which I think I mentioned in yesterday's blip. Anyways he had other overtime tonight helping a lawyer fix their computer so between his day and night shift he went to do that.

I was on my own for bedtime routine. *Cue jaws theme music*

I think i underestimated my ability to juggle dinner, showers and bed with 3 boys because by the time Andre got home at 6 they had had their dinner, were all clean in their pj's lying on the conservatory floor playing quietly with their cars listening to the rain hitting the steel roof, occasionally looking up at a flash of lightning. They were calm and content. Beautiful.

Kanye had a great day today with the therapy dog again. I'm so pleased they have this interaction available for him and the other children. I can only imagine how soothing it must be.

Marley was wide eyed when the Thunder passed over ( must add in Kanye said thunder for the first time! He's doing so well picking up new words! ), he got excited but I think he was also a little afraid. He did think- rather hoped it would snow!

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