
That's what I call it anyway, I believe it to be one of those words that only those in the know will know. MrRoly still looks blankly at me if I talk about having a spelk...

Anyhow, early morning was a bit of a shocker but we all got to where we needed to be when we needed to be. Slight trauma at lunchtime as Ally's lunch account was empty despite having been topped up last night. Many texts and several phone calls later, the school gave him some dinner. Luckily I'm home tomorrow so can go in if there's an issue again.

This evening was back to the logistical joys of children in different places but I have tomorrow and Wednesday evenings off so that's a bonus.

So back to the spelk, Ally comes down to tell me he's got a bit of a splinter in his hand from his shelf - slight understatement - look at the size of it!

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