Blips and blops

By Mags

Interesting day

I had an interesting day. It started by speaking at an event celebrating the 10th anniversary of the signing of the agreement between Malawi and Scotland and considering the themes of governance, gender and power. Lord Jack McConnell was on the panel too. He was instrument in setting up the agreement. Maggie Banda, Women's Legal Resources Centre, Malawi spoke about her work and the joint project with the Active Learning Centre. MSP Kezia Dugdale spoke about the recently formed cross-party 50-50 women's group - it was also interesting to be with her as it was announced today that she would stand for deputy leader of the Scottish Labour party. Prof Briggs spoke about some of the research being done in the esteemed institution that impacts on poverty as well as the seminar themes of governance, gender and power. So, all in all, an interesting morning!

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