
What a grey day, the sky had no other colour in it. It made all the landscape unlively.

Juno and I had met some dogs this morning and she played.

The school playground was full of colourful characters as it was national book day and they were all dressed as characters out of their favourite book.

Spent all day working on controls in the data that I use, rather dull.

Popped out with Tractor Factory to the Traverse for A play, pie and a pint.

On the way we entertained a young lady with our puns, she chuckled.

Good play and good pie, I only had orange juice. There are different plays on for the next 4 weeks, I think we will be heading over again, any other blippers fancy it.

On the way back to work we had a man behind us laugh with a bout of rubbish puns.

Tutoring vectors tonight , it went ok.

The grey day reminded me of Spitting Image John Major, should have had peas for tea.

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