Works of Bayne

By ibayne

Gilmerton Chapel

Woke up today at around 11am, to find that the sun was out! Despite the weather forcast saying that there was meant to be a lot of rain, there wasn't a rain cloud in the sky, making it absolutely perfect for a road trip out. I took a visit to the chapel that I seen yesterday, in a place called Glimerton. The little town village itself was charming, and although my visit was shortlived, I got some amazing from a view angles of the chapel itself.

From Gilmerton I headed north, along country road where the nice weather and excellent light made every scene elegant with opportunities, I was pretty much stopping every five minutes to admire the scenery. All in all, the day was fantastic, I was so eager to get back out again when I was home. Probably because the weather was just so perfect, not only for photography, but for relaxing in. But I kinda got sidetracked and done some shopping instead. Lets hope the weather holds for tomorrow, it'd be great if it did.

Tonight - I think the pub awaits! ^_^

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