Just Me and Him......

.....again tonight. Until about 7 o'clock in the morning. Then I leave for work at 9.

Had a bit of a hump day. Apart from the bit where I went to see Daughter Number 2 at her work. That was nice. Love my Poke. ♡♡♡

But feeling a bit hard done by. Just a bit. And probably being very selfish.
After all, it's not me having to work all night then sleep all day. But I know how that feels. I did 12 years of nights when I was a nurse.

It's just that I don't benefit at all from all this.
Not having my husband close to me. Sleeping alone. Spending the day alone. Getting up early so Mr W can get to sleep. Showering at night so I don't disturb him in the morning. Trying hard to keep quiet during the day. No TV . No music. No Kenwood!! I don't even flush the toilet!! And we missed Downton tonight so we can watch it together tomorrow - in the 2 hours we will get together. I even pushed my own shopping trolly today!

I won't even get to benefit from the wages. They are already spent. Paid into Bank of Daddy.

And I worry he's working too hard.
He should be retired.
Enjoying watching the TV. Pottering in his man cave. Riding his bike. Fixing the dining room windowsill. Making a bookcase.
Worried he's being taken advantage of. Worried he's being too generous. But it's for his daughter. Family is important. They need looking after.
And I'm grateful that he's trying to keep us debt free. Proud that he isn't afraid to work hard and impressed with his stamina. He never moans about being tired. He just moans about missing me.

But there has to be a limit doesn't there? Or as I said....am I just being selfish.

Rant over. I'm not looking for sympathy or answers. Just documenting how I feel today.

Hump day.

Night night. Teddy is waiting for a cuddle. I will have to wait till the morning! !

xXx ♡ xXx

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