The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Home to my Girls

This weekend was another weekend in Scotland - I think I should move onto a SleazyJet plane to save the travel to and from Luton!

I had a great weekend bridesmaid dress shopping and I think we have a plan. I just need to think about the logistics and process by which to order the dresses now but that should be the easy part.

I saw a lot of my niece and nephew which was fun but with the joy of Hallowe'en and the visitors (Hannah and myself) I think they were high on sugar, low on sleep and therefore high energy! Niamh has a total thing about brushing and playing with hair so that has given me some ideas for her Christmas presents :)

I had a good catch up with some friends this weekend, including my old flatmate - all in all a nice time.

Even though it was a nice and busy weekend away there is always something nice about coming home to the girls. Nibbler was totally cute sleeping with her paws splayed out in front that I couldn't resist this being tonights blip.

Bedtime shortly I think.

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