2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Tower of London poppies

Had to get up and travel into London for my second consultation meeting today. As the meeting was quite early, I had to travel at the usual time in the morning and so ended up on yet another crowded commuter train.

Had my breakfast in the office and worked on clearing my desk, writing some handover notes and waiting for the meeting. It was over in a few minutes. I had a meeting with a recruitment agency planned for early afternoon so I headed off to Tower Hill to use the free time to see the poppies at the Tower of London.

They were an amazing sight in the bright sunshine. Volunteers were still planting some of them in the moat area. One of the beefeaters was showing people around the display in his full regalia.

Found some lunch and sat in Regent's Park watching passing people and ducks. The meeting with the agency was productive. They seemed reasonably hopeful that something might come up.

Back on an earlier train than usual and home in reasonable time.

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