One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye


Today is World Let's-Throw-A-Shite-Book-Up-in-The-Air-To-Try-And-Get-A-Blip day!

Books. Love them. And they love me back.
But I do not worship them. A book is a medium. It is the best medium. It feels good, it smells good, it's just the right weight and shape.
But it's a book.
I mark the pages, I sometimes annotate them, I may spill some tea or food on them. Some I keep (if there is any likelihood I might read them again at some stage), some I don't.
They constantly pass through my life and I am to some extent the sum of all of them.

Oh, and I reserve the right to give up on a shite book if it has not stirred anything in me in the first 30 pages.

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