dear maria, count me in.

I'm quite enjoying this song at the moment, along with "Weightless" from All Time Low.

Right, I'm off school today because there is a gas leak. I woke up this morning, got ready in a hurry thinking i was going to be late, for me to finish getting ready and almost out the door, then get a text from my friend saying that she had just went to school and got told it was off today.

So now I've to study for the day so I can go to my football training tonight. Woop. The season starts this Saturday though, so I have to go if i want a chance of playing.

Sorry for these non-blipped days, Ive not had a chance to find my batteries and charge them.

This is Big Henry and Baby Henry. Big Henry is for my floor, and Baby Henry is for my desk. He is a desk hoover, not yet ready and fully grown for the take-over of The Master Of The Floors.


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