
With not having many flowers in my garden at present I was delighted to find a small clump of granny's bonnets, doubles and singles but sadly all the same colour. I seemed to have lost some of my two toned varieties which were rather special but perhaps I'll be able to replace them in due course. This little double seemed to be floating in the breeze.

I was in the garden early and had all gardens fully marked out with pegs and string before the breeze got up. It was most unusual to hear the hum of vacuum cleaners mingling with the pleasant sounds of the birds, a couple of properties are on the market and neighbours were getting ready for 'open homes'.

Hubby has started painting the fence and has raked up many stones in preparation for the new lawn, its all slowly coming together.

This week I would like overcast weather, cooler rather than hot, slight drizzle I can cope with but please no rain. It is to be a full on week in the garden starting with plants arriving tomorrow - I can't wait!

Happy Sunday - roll on Monday! :)

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