Smoke Stack

I did a quick run to the grocery store this morning & took this on my way home, as I didn't have much free time today. This smoke stack belongs to the Laddish Company, which was started in Cudahy in 1912. By 1927 it had 600 employees running 30 steam hammers making parts for the automobile, tractor & railroad companies. Now, over 100 years later, it specializes in forging pieces for the space, airframe & aircraft engine markets. This stack is actually about 120 feet in the air--I did take some pics of the whole thing, but I liked the billowing steam in this closer up picture!
Both my sister- in- laws came into town today, so Tom's brother, 3 sisters & the 2 of us all met for a late lunch. 3 1/2 hours later we left the restaurant, so I'm glad I managed a blip earlier in the day! One of Tom's sisters are staying with us tonight....we're taking her to the airport tomorrow as she's flying down to So. Carolina to visit her children. Always such a treat to spend time with family! :)

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