Glimpses of Bdays

By BeGlimpses

PT Camilla

Despite rainy weather I linked with one crutch to the gym. They have a pool with warm water and I wanted to try a swim. My knee didnt like swimming, but felt good to move around. Had company with another lady, raised in Africa, lived in Pakistan and now more swedish, besides granny within a week. Humutous when she with wide eyes explained that she couldnt enter into the midwifes room when going for check up. I had to wait outside!!"
As a gift she told me about an acquaintance that made the same knee surgery as mine. "She was fat and she was linking, but them she got her a train bike. After some time she was britter fat nor linking anymore! It takes time"!
I hope to go back to this journal within a year and say Yeap she was right.

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