Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

The morning after the night before

After a hard night of flying round the room scaring anyone who cared to be scared, it was time for the witch to go back to her place of rest for another year, to build up her strength for 2015.  We had several 'Trick or Treaters' last night, and there were some great costumes amongst the kids that showed up.

Now, I am of the generation that didn't really make much of Halloween; pumpkins didn't exist here so we'd make a lamp from a turnip and wander round trying to scare people, but really we were waiting for the big night; Bonfire Night on November 5th!  There would be bonfires, most people had their own firework displays, and there was great fun to be had in lighting the blue touchpaper and standing well back.  Nowadays, the Health and Safety Brigade have largely put a stop to that.  It's probably right that they did, but whilst public firework displays are great, they can't beat the fun of your own home display.

I've heard a couple of people complain about the American import of 'Trick or Treat'.  I don't agree.  The kids don't know it's new here, and they don't have the prospect of that excitement I had as a kid on Bonfire Night to look forward to.  When I see the effort some of the kids went to last night, and the fun they were clearly having, I think it's one American import we should be proud to embrace.

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