Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

Path to the Lake

We were so tired this morning after all the activity of the last few days/weeks that we decided not to rush out with our cameras for the 'free time' of the weekend. Instead we had a very leisurely and sociable breakfast chatting to friends, old and new. Then a couple wanted to have a closer look at our prints from yesterday evening's talk. By the time we went out it was time for coffee at one of our regular spots, the Thornthwaite Gallery. Then on to meet more friends at the Royal Oak at Braithwaite for a leisurely lunch.

We are now back at the hotel for a quick cuppa before the first lecture of the weekend by Ann Miles. After tonight's dinner the second lecture will be from Tom Dodd. They will both be giving a lecture tomorrow morning before the end of the event.

My only picture today was a quick snap with the iPhone which I edited on the iPad. Now I'm wondering if it will upload. If it doesn't I will wait until I have time to transfer it to the laptop, hopefully tomorrow when we get to LPH.

Next week will be spent at LPH, when I should manage some serious photography.

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