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By CField

Happy Halloween!

I LOVE halloween! I always forget the general excitement of the nighr, because the lead up to finding a costume is usually miserable, but it's all worth it with some great friends! This is (left) Liz, Maggie and Myself. Liz was a pun, Little Reddit Riding Hood. Maggie is Evelyn from the Mummy, because they're both librarians! I am a faerie! I created my head piece and belt from fake flowers, fake pearls, and a hot glue gun and then applied makeup with glitter. I spent the night hitting people with my faerie flower wand and throwing faerie dust at people. Franklin street here in Chapel Hill is a very intense halloween experience. Thousands of people come to walk around, drink, and show off their costumes. Since I easily absorb the mood around me, this is a very fun night for me! I may have annoyed some people in my group with my child - like enthusiasm/hitting people with the flower, but if other people's joy upsets you you need help. Happy Halloween!

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