You can't get much bluer....

....than this.

I wasn't really on track to Blip another native flower today - I went to the top of the ridge for another reason, but when I spotted this tiny jewel, well, I figured I didn't have much choice.

I was just about standing on top of it before I saw it - so very tiny.

Also incredibly windy, so off came the cardy in attempt to rig up a rough wind shield.

I guess it worked.

I haven't had tome to research this little flower yet, but when I find out what it is, just for interest, I'll edit this post. (I've never noticed it before - but there are lots more flowers than usual because of our very wet winter).

EDIT: thanks to Nevermore I now know it is:

Brunonia australis, commonly known as the blue pincushion or native cornflower, is a perennial herb that grows widely across Australia. It is found in woodlands, open forest and sand plains. In the Cronquist system's classification scheme it was the sole member of the monogeneric plant family Brunoniaceae before the APG II system moved it into Goodeniaceae.

The leaves are about 10 cm long and grow from the base. Flowering is usually in spring, with hemispherical clusters of blue flowers developing on a stem about 50 cm in height.

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