Base Over Apex

This horror had me walking out of the house before I even had my tea and toast.
It was walk out or kill him.

So I went to get some bread.

The walk didn't really calm me down.

I came out of the shop and found a pillock had abandoned his estate across the crossing point while he stood in line at the cash machine -- despite the empty car park. He confirmed the phrase "Berk in a Merc". I said nothing because it could have got very messy very quickly.

Stopped off to see if SWMBO's prescription was ready.
The pharmacy was shut until 9am even though the doctors surgery it is attached to is open from 7.30am - and they don't even have a letterbox. So the people who go and get a prescription have to make a second trip to hand it in. Who the hell came up with that idea?

Standing waiting to cross the road after that and the car I am waiting to pass stops - in the middle of the road - right in front of me - then the woman gets out, waves me across and goes round, opens the passenger door and adjusts the seat belt of the teenage child!!!!!!!!
I had to walk round the car.

Still trying to work that one out and some lunatic comes hurtling down the pavement on his bike with a manic grin on his face and forces me to jump into the bushes to avoid being run down.
If I had another couple of seconds warning it would have been him having to take avoiding action into the road and probably the back of the daft bints stationary car.

Luckily The Cygnet had changed his attitude by the time I got back (although he had been sent to his room 3 times prior to my getting back).

The rest of the day was fine with both the kids behaving with no fighting.

I am sure they have 'Psycho' switches that flip on and off at random.

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