If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Lichen on Hawthorn.

I set off in bright sun shine to go up to the forest again, before I had driven the two or3 miles the sun had gone. The shots I had been planning/hoping for in the forest would be no good without the sun, so I opted to continue driving and looking for blips.

One of the first places I stopped was a bridge over the Gillcambon Beck. The views of the beck weren't what I hoped but as it was a high bridge I found myself looking down on to a Hawthorn covered in Lichen.

According to s simple survey I used to use when teaching this shows the air in the area is fairly pollution free. I would certainly hope so as where it was growing was in a little visited part of the Lake District and shielded from direct car fumes by the bridge walls.

I tentatively identified the Lichen as Evernia prunastri but if anyone knows better I would be glad to hear I am no expert on Lichens.

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