Times Of My Life

By CarolB

A Horrible Sight To Behold ..........

My wee sister and I had a nice afternoon together. A bit of lovely lunch at The Bothy in Perth, then a root round some charity shops (I got a set of Noddy books for £2! The kids will love them).

Onward to the retail park to look at new carpets, curtain fabric samples and pictures (her), mirrors and scary masks (me). While we were in the swanky new lighting shop we realised that it was much too close to tea-time for us to stop and look at anything, so the deal was we had to keep moving; if we spotted anything we really liked and wanted to look at more closely, we had to march on the spot or walk in circles, but absolutely no stopping!

I'm recommending this to you all as a way of getting right round a shop in double quick time: we were in and out in 15 minutes, having looked at every single thing.

As we stepped out the door onto the pavement, this horrible creature lunged at my face, his green plastic teeth dripping with saliva, and his cape flapping maniacally! A bloke I used to work with years ago, well old enough to know better than to charge around dressed like The Count (I had to be very careful with my spelling there!).

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