Edit: Changed the pic. The other one was pish. This is my new Vagina Cruz tee from Bass Boutique, Deekline's clothing label.
On the phone to maw. I like her. A lot. She's been through a massive amount of shite in her life. But, she's kept going. Always there. Always mum. Thank you.
Interesting non-mum family fact; my dad had kids in 5 consecutive decades. 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s & the 1990s.
What a set ae bawz.
Mind you, he wasn't preggars all those times. Now that's proper endurance.
Work was pure gash yesterday. Improved vast-core today.
Happy. Looking forwards to kuddles which are being delivered by hand in about 20 minutes. Alex's birthday in the Basement the morn. Sunday, chilling the fuck out.
Heard an interesting bit of gossip about Blip this afternoon from my pal in the techie grapevine. Interesting.
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