Country File

By marypot

Attack of the Bedhead

"WHAT the HECK is THAT on my big sister's head???" wonders a puzzled and rather shocked Ophelia.

Yes, despite her first trip to the hairdresser and the use of conditioner for the first time last night, we still can't seem to conquer Grace's amazing beadhead. Still, it gives us a few laughs each morning!

Grace had her third of seven 'Play and Learn' pre-school preparation sessions this afternoon. She absolutely loves it and I can see an improvement each time as she gets used to the routines and learns to focus longer during certain parts of the session. I think she will absolutely love pre-school proper when she starts after the Easter holidays. Scary to think that she is starting pre-school already and will be starting school for real next year, when she will be just a few days past her 4th birthday.

Ophelia meanwhile is suffering from teething pain. She is constantly chewing on her fist, or anything else she can shove in her gob, and needed paracetamol overnight as she was very distraught. It's quite a shock to my system too, as I've been used having to a full night's sleep for a month or so, but Ophelia's teething, combined with a growth spurt, means she is up at least once every night right now. I know it doesn't last, so can cope. Well you have to, don't you?

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