Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ


All the trick or treaters are out! Aiden is dressed up scaring anyone that comes to the door then offering them a bucket filled with boxes of raisins (too many sweets are bad for them).

Had a visit from Lorraine (she lived in SA for many years too but like me is British born) who we met at the SA get-together on Sunday, strangely or not our paths had crossed before and turns out we have a mutual friend back in SA.

Lorraine is lovely and lucky for us she is a dog trainer so was able to offer some advice re Lola's separation anxiety so we'll work on that and see if we can help Lola not feel stressed if we leave her sight.

No headache again this morning, but I can feel one starting at the moment so I'm going to go and make a start on supper and try not to think about it and hope it disappears on its own.

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