Clue number five - day 5

The challenge still stands. For those of you who want to try and guess where I am on holiday this is the fifth photo clue. For those of you who know which country I'm in you can hazard a guess as to which town I visited today! The bonus challenge is to spell it correctly!!!! Can't wait to know what you all think! (Yesterday's guesses were few and far between but thanks to those of you who commented)

A slightly more well paced day today. We set off on a bus to our destination and took a walk along the front. So pretty. There was also a small market but sadly it was all rather over touristy. Sat in a cafe drinking coffee and watching the world go by before taking a gentle stroll to find a good lunch stop. Sadly we made a bad decision. Fresh fish platter for two to share sounded good. It was over cooked and dull. Ah well we have been lucky so far. After a walk along to the beach and a little paddle we decided to head back. The thunder clouds were brewing and we wanted to get a seat on the bus. Now for the supper hunt. I could get used to eating out every night!!!

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